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Directors and Officers Liability insurance market trends

If you have invested in Directors and Officers (D&O) liability insurance to protect yourself and your business, this liability insurance market update is for you. D&O liability insurance is essential for businesses and organisations, providing crucial protection for directors and officers against personal liability claims. 

Check out our video with Marsh FinPro insurance expert Rob Weaver, who shares key highlights on the New Zealand Directors and Officers’ liability insurance market, including:

  • Premium impacts
  • Coverage and underwriting trends
  • Some challenging areas
  • Market outlook

This insurance market update is part of a bigger report that we publish once a year, which covers a wide range of insurance types including liability, financial and professional lines of insurance and much more – if you’re interested in reading the full New Zealand insurance market 2023: Year in review, you can download it after the video and transcript.  

In 2023, the New Zealand directors and officers liability insurance market, competition among insurers remained high, leading, generally, to premium reductions and a broader risk appetite from insurers. D&O insurers typically focused on insureds' balance sheet resilience, considering the impact of a tight interest rate environment and supply chain disruption.

Let’s take a closer look.

Scroll down to download the full report.


In the New Zealand directors and officers liability insurance market, competition among insurers remained high throughout 2023, leading, generally, to premium reductions and a broader risk appetite from insurers.

Premium reductions

For large D&O placements of publicly listed companies and large corporates, modest D&O premium rate reductions were typically attainable for the programme as a whole, ranging from 5% to 15% over the past year.

We saw the strongest competition among insurers on the higher excess layers of a placement programme, with the top layers experiencing decreases of up to 25%. Primary layer premium rates typically saw flat to 10% declines.

Premium rates

Small to mid-sized businesses, whose D&O policies are often combined with other liability placements, generally saw rate increases ranging from flat to 10% in 2023 (excluding any rate corrections).

While the current market conditions are favourable, it is important for insureds to maintain a precautionary longer-term outlook due to an evolving risk landscape and challenging macro environment that’s impacting on the majority of insureds.

Market outlook

Further bifurcation in the market is likely as D&O insurers heavily compete for certain business, with incumbent markets typically defending positions strongly. For new or hard-to-place business, insurer competition remains generally static.

Insureds that benefited from rate reductions in 2023 and maintained their existing D&O program structure may benefit from insurer competition through such measures as limits and coverage expansion.

The duration of these favourable market conditions remains uncertain.

Emerging risks

For listed NZX companies and dual listed ASX/NZX companies, class actions and the role of litigation funders remain of particular concern for both insureds and insurers. NZX-listed companies closely monitor developments following the findings of the New Zealand Law Commission Review into Class Actions and Litigation Funding.

Coverage and Underwriting Trends

Throughout 2023, D&O insurers typically focused on insureds' balance sheet resilience, considering the impact of a tight interest rate environment and supply chain disruption. Underwriters scrutinised risks from insolvencies or liquidations, as well as those related to climate change and environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors, where insurers typically required insureds to demonstrate a clear strategy.

Looking Ahead

Businesses and the insurance market will continue to face challenges and opportunities posed by cyber risks, geopolitical volatility, and technological advancements. Strong insurer competition is expected to persist in the D&O market, leading to premium stability, barring unforeseen changes in conditions. So far this year we have seen generally modest reductions in premium rates and favourable renewal terms.

Download report

For more D&O market insights and other insurance classes, please download our full report.

New Zealand insurance market 2023: Year in review

For more detail on the D&O liability insurance market and other types of insurance – property, financial and professional lines, cyber, construction and more – check out our full report.

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